Ahstanga workshop with Lucy Crawford
Assisted mysore self-practice workshop with Lucy Crawford June 29- July 3
Workshop description:
Morning 2 groups of 8, Saturday-Wednesday.
Saturday June 29 (8-10) and (11-13)
Sunday June 30 (8-10) and (11-13)
Monday July 1 (6-8) and (9-11)
Tuesday July 2 (6-8) and (9-11)
Wednesday July 3 (6-8) and (9-11)
Max. 8 students per group. All levels are welcome, but not complete beginners.
Afternoon workshops:
Saturday and Sunday from 16-18:
Explorations through movement and self help using fascial release and MET techniques. I will also introduce some not and additional poses to enhance the movement necessary for some of the more difficult Ashtanga Poses.
About Lucy:
Lucy began her studies with Shri K. Pattabhi Jois in 1993, and received Guruji’s blessing to teach in 1995. Her teaching style is influenced profoundly by Craniosacral Biodynamics and her own studies in this field of health. Lucy focuses on alignment awareness and body listening skills as the foundation for her teaching.
Booking information:
Full workshop: 2600 kr
5 days of mysore self practice: 2000 kr
2 afternoon workshops: 800 kr
Your spot is secured once we receive the full payment.
Please pay before May 1 2024
International payments:
IBAN: DK57 2000 9033 8039 47
Please write ”Lucy workshop” and your name on the transfer.
Sådan betaler du:
Du betaler med bankoverførsel. Overfør ovenstående beløb til Krop i balance, Nordea på kontonummer 2316
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”Lucy workshop” og dit navn på overførslen
Contact: ditte@dinkrop.dk for further information